Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Canvas Art Tutorial

How exciting is this? For months, I've looked up all kinds of great ideas from Pinterest and read all kinds of cool tutorials on all kinds of blogs. I've never actually written my own tutorial though.

From everything I read, I figured the projects I wanted to make couldn't be hard. Slap some Mod Podge on whatever you want, and voila! Ok, it might be slightly more involved than that. But it truly is seriously easy!

My project idea: Create canvas art using the word "thrive" for a friend's birthday present - she loves the idea of thriving, and we saw something in a store once that was some sort of chime with a metal word "thrive" dangling, but it was too expensive. So I tucked away her excitement of the word to be used later. Now is later!

Supplies I used:
* small 5x7 canvas frame from Michaels I bought on sale with a coupon
* Mod Podge (aka M.P.) - the magic component of all art projects. It is both a glue and a sealant.
* fabrics of choice
* scissors
* foam brushes
* sticker letters in whatever font and color you desire
* staple gun (loaded with staples, of course!)
* ruler (used to smooth out fabric - not necessary, you can also just use your fingers)

I found some cute fabric - one to use for a background, and one with a variety of butterflies on it - both color and size. I chose one small and one larger with the background color in it and carefully cut out each butterfly with my scissors.

I laid the canvas on top of the fabric and cut out the fabric with a couple extra inches to be able to wrap around to the back of the frame. I probably could have cut it closer, but that's one lesson learned.

I got a little too excited and stretched the fabric over the canvas and started to staple it to the back when I realized I needed to have Mod Podged the canvas and back of fabric first so it would stick to the canvas. I took out one side from the back, folded the fabric back from the canvas and swiped the front and all sides of the canvas as well as the back of the fabric with a foam brush dipped in M.P., then stretched the fabric back on top of the canvas using the ruler and my fingers to smooth out any wrinkles and stretch it really tightly across the front.

After that, I flipped over the canvas to work on tacking the fabric to the back. I folded the edge of the fabric under so it lined up with the wood frame neatly, then stapled along the edges of the two long sides.

To tack the short sides, I folded the fabric like a present on the sides and kind of fudged the edges so when I folded up the fabric over the side, the edge of the fabric lined up with the edge of frame. This kind of made the sides not lie completely flat though, so I need to work on my folding skills for next time. I folded the fabric edge under like I did before and stapled to the frame.

With all the sides stapled to the back, I covered the front and all sides of the now fabric-covered canvas with a layer of M.P. and let it dry for about 15 - 20 min.

To attach the sticker letters, I swiped the area where the word would go with a layer of M.P. then immediately peeled off each letter and placed it on the canvas. I should have let it dry before the next step, which is why I had trouble with the next part. So I advise that you let the letters dry on the M.P. first before moving on.

I used the foam brush to apply a layer of M.P. on top of the letters, but since I didn't let it dry first before covering it, the letters kept coming up and I had to use my fingers to hold them down as I brushed on the glue. After the letters were in place and covered with a layer of glue, I let it dry about 10 minutes (maybe a bit longer... I didn't set the timer.)

Now for the butterfly placement. I brushed the backs of the pretties with glue and placed them where I wanted them on the canvas. I could have let it dry first, but I figured it wouldn't be a big deal so I went ahead and used my fingers to hold them in place while I covered the tops of them and the entire front and sides with M.P. and let dry.

Lastly, after the last layer dried, I coated the whole thing with another good layer of Mod Podge and let it dry.

Done! And so pretty. I really hope my friend likes her birthday present!

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